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Showing posts with label Digital Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Digital Books. Show all posts

Friday, March 4, 2011

So Proud

Brenda and Dede finished their first blog books in February! I helped jump start their books, and I could not be more proud that they followed through and finished them. I would love to help jump start a book for you, too. Just let me know!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

by the numbers

  • 2010 – year through which my scrapbooking is caught up
  • 342 – pages in my 2010 blog book
  • 930 – number of pictures in the book
  • 342 – number of blog posts in the book
  • 2 – number of weekend retreats where worked on the book {other stuff, too}
  • 6 – number of evenings at home I worked on the book
  • 1.25 – hours it took to upload the book to blurb.com
  • 129 – number of pages you can preview in by book here.

Don’t be jealous if you are not caught up with your scrapbook.  I would love to help you get your blog book started.  Check out my February Blog Book Workshop.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

New Blog Book

I have some sweet friends who have been living in Iraq for the past two years with their three boys. Billy is World Orphan's North Africa/Middle East Regional Director. I'm thrilled to have the first two years of their journey completed. It is 218 pages and includes over 650 pictures.

Iraq First Two Years
By The Ray Family Ad...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Childhood Book

I finally finished a book that I have thought about for 10 years. I always felt like my family book needed to be caught up first, and thanks to my blog and blurb, it is! I don't have a baby book or scrapbook of me as a kid, and I wanted my children to have something to look at when they are grown. It is very simple, but that is just the way I want it.